证书的英文怎么说? (一)

贡献者回答证书的英文是certificate,它固定搭配的词组是certify sb. for sth. 或 certify sth. to sb.。以下是一些中英例句:
I certified for the application and was granted the patent. - 我为这项申请进行了认证,并被授予了专利。
The notary public certified the document as authentic. - 公证人认证了该文件的真实性。
She was certified as an expert in the field. - 她被认证为该领域的专家。
The certificateverifies your identity and date of birth. - 证书验证了你的身份和出生日期。
We will have to get a certificatefrom the doctor before the operation. - 在手术前,我们必须得到医生的证明。
A certificateof origin must be provided for all imported goods. - 所有进口货物都必须提供原产地证书。
The certificatewill list your name, address, and birth date. - 证书将列出你的姓名、地址和出生日期。
A certificateof naturalization is required for all new citizens. - 所有新公民都需要获得归化证书。
The university issued him acertificateof completion for his degree program. - 大学为他颁发了学位课程的完成证书。
Acertificateof analysis is required for all imported food products. - 所有进口食品都需要提供分析证书。
常见的证书:化学检验员 Chemistry Testing Laboratory Technician 化学技能证书 Chemical Skills Certificate 药品检验员 Drug Inspector 大学英语四级 CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate) 大学英语六级 CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate) 英语专业四级 TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)
专利权用英语怎么说 (二)
贡献者回答问题一:专利产品用英文怎么说 专利产品
patented product
patented product
问题二:专利英语怎么说 patent:专利
patent right :专利权
Intellectual Property :知识产权
问题三:专利与发明的区别用英语怎么说 patent
an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention; a document that proves this
a thing or an idea that has been invented
问题四:产品专利英文怎样写 你需要把你的语境彻底说明白,是一段话里面的一句,还是一段话的一个抬头标题,或者仅仅是一个只有一个单词的表明拥有专利的外包装印刷标记,语境不明,大家的理解和沟通就很难顺畅了[]
问题五:俄语问题求助 有规律的,元音前是ц щ ш ж ч的变第五格时,不是ой,要变为ей.记呗。