- 1、英雄本色2 片头 阿杰跟哥哥在雨中打架 的插曲 ?
英雄本色2 片头 阿杰跟哥哥在雨中打架 的插曲 ? (一)
答《英雄本色I&II》的原声音乐于2001年6月1日在日本发行,是由香港金牌电影音乐大师顾嘉辉创作,共29首。前28首都为配乐,最后一首是张国荣演唱的粤语版《当年情》。 专辑曲目: 1. A Better Tomorrow Theme (03:36)Music from "A Better Tomorrow" 2. Fatherly Advice - The Trip To Taiwan (02:26) 3. Doing Time - 3 Years Later (01:14) 4. A New Leaf - Mark And Sung's Reunion (02:45) 5. Conspiracy (01:22) 6. Sung Chi-Ho's Theme (01:12) 7. Hong Kong At Night (01:05) 8. Mark's Theme (01:37) 9. A Better Tomorrow Theme Song - Instrumental (04:23) 10. A Better Tomorrow II Theme Song - Instrumental (04:30) Music from "A Better Tomorrow II" 11. Mark's Death - A Better Tomorrow II Opening Scene (01:50) 12. A Better Tomorrow II Theme (Reprise) (01:25) 13. A Better Tomorrow II Theme (Reprise) (01:17) 14. Ken Takes Lung Si Away From the Mental Institution (01:31) 15. Lung Si in New York (01:13) 16. At Becky's Grave (02:17) 17. Operation Commenced (02:59) 18. Lung Si Regains His Memory (01:08) 19. Assault on Kao's Mansion (01:38) 20. Aftermath - (restaurant re-opens) A Better Tomorrow II End Credits (02:26) 21. A Better Tomorrow Theme (Reprise) (03:39) Miscellaneous Music from "A Better Tomorrow" and "A Better Tomorrow II" 22. Longer Version of Score Used In Scene Where Sung Becomes A Cabby (04:14) 23. Investigation (04:22) 24. "Tomorrow Will Be Better" - Instrumental Version of Children's Choir Song (05:24) 25. A Better Tomorrow Theme Song - Instrumental (Reprise) (04:23) 26. A Better Tomorrow II Theme Song - Instrumental (Reprise) (04:30) 27. A Better Tomorrow & A Better Tomorrow II Theme Combo (03:31) 28. Mark's Theme (Reprise) (03:49) 29. a better tomorrow 当年情 [Leslie Cheung 张国荣]
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